
Fighter" Review: A Visual Spectacle with Emotional Shortcomings

Siddharth Anand’s "Fighter" is a visually stunning film that prioritizes Hrithik Roshan’s star power over its narrative depth. The film features breathtaking aerial sequences and impressive visual effects, but its emotional and narrative elements are underwhelming.

A Star-Driven Plot

"Fighter" is as much about patriotism as it is about celebrating Hrithik Roshan. The film's cinematography captures the beauty of Jammu and Kashmir, yet these visuals often play second fiddle to Roshan’s charismatic presence. At 50, Roshan’s energy and charm are undeniable, making him the centerpiece of the film.

A Nod to Real Events and Iconic Films

The plot follows Squadron Leader Shamsher "Patty" Pathania (Hrithik Roshan) and his elite team as they undertake a mission reminiscent of the 2019 Balakot airstrike. The film’s tone is triumphalist, mirroring real-world tensions between India and Pakistan, and pays homage to the "Top Gun" franchise through its thrilling aerial maneuvers.

Technical Brilliance with a Flawed Script

Anand, known for his previous works "War" and "Pathaan," excels in creating visually compelling action sequences. The film's use of real and CGI aircrafts is seamless, particularly notable in the night-time Balakot strike. However, the screenplay by Abbas and Hussain Dalal is a weak link, often resorting to cliched and overly aggressive dialogues that undermine the film's potential for nuance.

Performances and Chemistry

While Roshan delivers a captivating performance, Deepika Padukone’s portrayal of Minal lacks chemistry with Roshan. Anil Kapoor as the stern commander provides some memorable moments, but the film’s villains are portrayed with excessive caricature, diminishing their impact.


"Fighter" stands out for its visual spectacle and Hrithik Roshan’s star power but falls short in emotional depth and narrative coherence. Fans of action films and Roshan will find much to enjoy, but those seeking a balanced and emotionally engaging story may feel let down.